Author - RPM

Posting Trucks and the 80/20 Rule

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s one piece of advice that I’d give to any carrier running the spot market. It’s advice that can significantly increase the amount of money they make on loads.

Post your truck.

This is the 80/20 rule of load boards. I get 80% of my loads, and 80% of my revenue, […]

Post Your Truck to Find Better-Paying Loads

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It might seem counterintuitive, but I always make sure to post my truck on the load board when there’s plenty of freight to choose from. That’s the best time to get calls from brokers who are willing to pay higher than average rates for loads that are going where […]

Get Your Carrier Authority – Ignore the Myths

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is Part Two, the follow-up to my first three myths about getting carrier authority. These myths, fears, and unknowns held me in place as a company driver for years. I wish I had gotten my authority sooner, and I hope other drivers can learn from my experience.

Myth #4 — You need to […]